Huwebes, Mayo 26, 2016

Cruise Shore Excursion Tips To Keep in Mind

Cruising is fun but it can also get quite complicated, especially since you have to plan your cruise shore excursion trips well. In addition to that, there are also some things that you must know about if you wish to make the most out of these types of excursions. Here are some of them:

·         Research,
When it comes to traveling, there is no problem that an extensive research can not fix. Of course, you can take advantage of the Internet to find the information that you need to know about. You can easily browse the cruise’s website to know more about what they are offering. In addition to that, you can also make a Google search so you can find the accounts of people who have already tried the same cruise as yours. This will help you to know some insider information on how to make the most out of such trips. In addition to this, you can also ask your travel agent about any information that they can offer you about the tour.

·         Read the descriptions of shore excursions very carefully.
This is a must if you wish what it is that you should expect from the trip. Additionally, doing this will also help you to know how much time you will have to spend on the tours that you have chosen. In the event that you are not sure with the trip that you have chosen, you can just simply talk with the excursion managers and you can also ask some questions that you have in mind. This will help you decide on which shore excursion that you should choose.

·         Opt for tours that you can be able to handle physically.
Keep in mind that there are some shore excursions that involves lots of walking and hiking. If you are suffering from some health problems, then you may wish to shy away from this type of tours. Again, you should ask your excursion manager about this.

·         Seek help from the cruise staff.
If you think your research is not enough, then you can simply ask suggestions from the cruise staff. These people are some of the great sources of information about the best destinations, activities, restaurants, tours and shopping destinations in the place that you are visiting.

Shore excursions are a part of any great cruise. While staying in the cruise ship is already fun enough, it is still recommended that you enjoy the cruise excursion trips that they offer in order to maximize your cruise trip. When you are already on the cruise excursion trip, you should follow the tips mentioned above.

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Creative Ways To Meet People While Traveling

Traveling solo is fun and exciting but there will be times when you will feel alone. That is why you must learn to master the art of making friends while traveling. Many people think that the only way to do that is to stay in a hostel but of you do not fancy staying in a hostel, there are still many ways to meet new friends. Here are some of the ways on how you can do that:

·         Use social networking sites.
Social networking sites make making friends a lot easier. With these tools, you can be able to keep in touch with people on the different side of the world. To easily make friends during your trip, it is recommended that you join groups with the same interest as yours.

·         Participate in travel forums.
The best thing about forums is that they connect people with different likes so easily. Because of this, you will not find it hard to meet people who will have the same itinerary or destination as you do. There are some forums that allow you to browse by interests or destinations so take advantage of that.

·         Keep in touch with a travel blogger.
Today, blogging has become the most widely profession in the world, Wherever you go, you are bound to meet bloggers who share the same love for traveling. In the event that you are traveling alone, then a blogger living in the area or visiting the same area you will be in will be your instant friend. Just simply message them if they are available. Who knows? That maybe the start of a budding friendship!

·         Be where the locals are.
You are traveling not just to see places and to post some interesting things in the social media. When you are in a foreign country, always keep in mind about what your objective is for traveling and the most forgettable reason would surely be to experience a local culture. Well, this objective includes being friends with the locals and what is the best way to meet with the locals? Be where they are, of course! If you love music, then go where the locals chill and drink. If you love art, then go to the museums that locals usually frequent.
Not everyone is blessed enough to find the perfect travel companion. That is why many people choose to travel alone at times. However, the life of a solo traveler can get lonely. Along the way, you would wish to meet people and make new friends. Follow the tips mentioned above to meet new friends and make lasting memories with people you meet along the way.

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Miyerkules, Mayo 25, 2016

Things To Do When Traveling During The Hot Season

Summer may be the perfect time for traveling since there are no classes in schools. However, the weather during this season may not cooperate well with your holiday plans. You may want to go to the beach but it will be too hot outside. In addition to that, the warm weather may also prohibit you from enjoying the outdoors. Well, that should not always be the case. To help you stay cool during the summer season, here are some of the things that you should do:

·         Pack clothing made from natural fibers.
During the summer season, you should avoid wearing clothes that are too tight. Instead, opt for loose pieces of clothing. In addition to that, you should avoid wearing clothes made of synthetic materials. Instead, opt for ones that are made out of natural fibers which can absorb your sweat and will allow your skin to breathe.

·         Avoid wearing dark pieces of clothing.
Maybe you already know this but dark clothes tend to absorb heat so you these are not recommended during the summer season. Instead, we recommend that you opt for white clothes and pastel colored pieces of clothing so your body can be able to breathe properly.

·         Wear your sunglasses.
If the sun is at its tip top condition and has been blasting sun rays all day long, then you have no choice but to wear your sunglasses. This may not help you to cool down your body but it will protect your eyes from the harsh rays of the sun. Plus, it will make you look cook so that will be plus points, right?

·         Wear a wide brimmed hat.
Again, you should opt for a hat that is made of natural fibers like straw or cotton. Avoid wearing hats made out of synthetic materials as these can trap the heat inside the body and will make you feel uncomfortable throughout the rest of the day.

·         Carry a child’s water bottle.
During the hot season, the most important thing that you should do is to keep yourself hydrated at all times. It is recommended that you bring a small water bottle so it will not be too inconvenient to carry. If you have a big water bottle, just simply fill it halfway so it will not be too heavy for you.

If you wish to maximize your summer trip, then you need to find a way to protect yourself from the harsh rays of the sun. You must also find ways on how you can keep yourself comfortable and cool even if it is scorching hot outside. You can do that if you will follow the tips and tricks that we have mentioned above. 

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The Different Dining Etiquette All Over The World

When you travel around the world, you have an opportunity to break bread with the locals and have a taste of the amazing dishes that they have to offer. However, you must keep in mind that you should be careful in mingling with the locals. Why? Well, that is because people from all over the world have different have different customs and traditions in the dining table. To help you to be culturally correct at the dining table, here are some of the etiquette that you should know about:

·         Australia
When in Australia, you must understand that the meal time will determine what the purpose of the dining invitation is. If you have been invited over for dinner, it means that the event is for socialization. On the other hand, a lunch invitation is strictly only for business and nothing else. Do not confuse the two when accepting an invitation.

·         Hong Kong
When you are invited over for dinner, you are not expected to pay the bill. However, people from Hong Kong consider offering to pay for dinner (even they are the guest) as a polite thing to do. That is why you should offer to foot the bill even if your offer will not be accepted. However, you should avoid offering that you split the bill because that would be a big slap to the face of your host.

·         Bangladesh
Muslim homes have unique dining customs. In Bangladesh, hosts do not sometimes join the guests during dinner so do not be surprised about that. Additionally, women eat at a separate room or area from the men so you should not expect otherwise.

·         Brunei
There is no place for diet when you are in Brunei. Why? This is because it is considered rude in this country if you will say no to any food or drinks offered to you. Because of this, it is recommended that you accept even just a small portion of the food being offered to you.

·         Cambodia
In Cambodia, you should forget about chairs during dinner time. It is a custom for them to sit on the floor while they are eating. You, however, should mind about your sitting position. Men should sit with legs crossed while the women should tuck their legs to one side when sitting.

Wherever you go, you will find delicious dishes that will surely tickle your taste buds. However, you must understand the fact that there are different dining etiquette that people from different countries are following. If you wish to make the most out of your trip without offending the locals, you must keep in mind the dining etiquette mentioned above.

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Ordinary Items That Can Make Traveling Easier

What we pack in our suitcase will greatly affect how conveniently and comfortably we travel the world. Most tourists focus on clothes and documents when packing their suitcases. However, there are some items that they should bring but they will never think of bringing such items. These items are just ordinary and you will never think that this can be of great use to you during your trip but with some knowledge, you can make your trip as convenient as possible using the items mentioned below:

·         Glass Case
You will surely be surprised as to how versatile and useful glass cases can be when you are on the go. You can use this case not just for protecting your eye glasses. This can also be used in carrying delicate and small items that you would need during your trip. These items include your cables, phone charges, jewelries, rubber bands, band aids, lanyard, safety pins, camera cards and a whole lot more. You can place all the things that you do not wish to put in your toiletry kit in this case.

·         Over the door Hook
For sure, you will be wondering what is this for. Well, this will come handy during a business trip. Upon arriving at your destination, the first thing that you should do would be to air out your clothes, especially ones that you would like to use in the first few days of your trip. You can hang your clothes in the hook. It will also come handy in hanging your bag of dirty laundry or a wet umbrella or raincoat.

·         Led Candle
If you love sleeping with lights off or with dimmed lights, then this will come handy for you. When you wake up in the middle of the night and you want to take a trip to the bathroom, you do not have to open the lights (it will just disrupt your sleep). Instead, you can use the LED candle to find your way to the bathroom and you can go back to sleeping soundly afterwards.

·         Rubber door stop
In the event that your hotel has n chain locks, this item will come handy in keeping the door secured and locked. The best thing about this item is that it is very small and portable and it can fit easily fit into your luggage.

There are plenty of travel hacks that can certainly make your travel experience a whole lot easier. Bringing any of these ordinary items is one good way to make your trip as convenient as possible. For your next trip, we highly recommend that you bring the items stated above and follow the tips mentioned above.

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How To Use Snapchat For Your Travels

After Facebook, many people turn to Instagram for documenting their trips. Today, we have the new Instagram and we call it—Snapchat. This social media site and app allows you to post short videos and snippets of your trip. If you want to share your travel story to the world (or to your social media friends), then you should learn to up your Snapchat game. To help you out, here are some simple tips on how to use Snapchat in your trips:

·         Tell them a story.
The best thing about using Snapchat is that it allows you to tell a story about your trip and not just show people the places that you have been to. Instead of just snapping a photo of the place or taking a short video of the scenery, we recommend that you use it to tell a story. Do not hesitate to narrate or share some information about the place while taking a video of it. You can give your viewers some trivia, background, history or any interesting information about the place.

·         Create themed content.
If you want people to follow you, treat your Snapchat profile like a mini TV series of your trip. Post a portion of this series every day while you are on the trip and you will surely leave people asking for more. In addition to posting your short videos about your trip, it is also recommended that you encourage your viewers to send you questions about your trips which you will answer in the next episode. Additionally, you can also ask them to share their own tips. By doing so, you will be able to build a small travel community in Snapchat.

·         Slow down.
It is recommended that you slow down while you take videos. In this way, you can be able to show each and every detail of the scenery or place that you are in. Avoid taking videos in fast forward mode as this can make people dizzy.

·         Share interesting snaps.
No one would like to watch boring videos so make sure that you do something different everyday. Additionally, you should feature exciting activities instead of the usual snaps and shots of your trip.

Whether we like it or not, we cannot deny the fact that technology has played an important role in our travel life. That is why many people turn to technology if they wish to enjoy a comfortable and stylish trip. If you would like to use Snapchat in recording and documenting your trips, you should follow the tips that we have provided above. 

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Martes, Mayo 17, 2016

A Guide About Bed Bugs When Traveling

When you are traveling and you think about the worst things that could happen during your trip, the things that would come to mind would surely be flight delays, lost luggage, terrorism and many more. However, we tend to neglect about one simple yet very serious travel concern—bedbugs. Below are some the things that you need to know to protect yourself against these critters:

·         Use a collapsible bag.
Keep in mind that is it quite difficult for you to get rid of bedbugs in your home so you should make an effort to make sure that you will bring some home. The best way to do that is to place your bag directly in the dryer upon arriving home. In the event that you have stayed in a hotel with bedbugs and there are some in your luggage, you can kill them off by spinning the bag in the dryer at high heat for about thirty minutes. You cannot do that with a hard suitcase so it would be best that you use a collapsible bag instead.

·         Look at the right places.
The first thing that you should do upon arriving at the hotel is to make sure that it has no bed bugs. Place your bags in the folding stand or in the bath tub. This is because the bed bugs are not able to crawl at metals so these places are safe places to put your things in as you go look for bugs. Using your flashlight, look for bedbugs that might be lurking at the hotel room. The best places to look at include the headboard, mattress and night stand. Make sure that you thoroughly inspect all these corners just to make sure. In addition to actual bedbugs, you should also take a look for any blood spots.

·         Look for it in your rental car.
Many people are not aware of this but there may be bed bugs in your rental car too. Look for bed bugs in the seats. But we have one good news for you—infestation rates in rental cars are quite low during the summer season. This is because the car has tendency to heat up especially when it is in the parking lot. Despite this, you still have to make sure that the car that you will rent has no bedbugs.

One of the most important travel tips that you should know is how to protect yourself from bedbugs. When we are at home, we try hard to get rid of bedbugs but we tend to forget that it is very easy for us to bring these critters home after a long trip.

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What To Do When Your Flight Got Cancelled Due To Bad Weather

We will all get annoyed when our flights get cancelled. However, there are plenty of (reasonable) reasons why they cancel flights and one of those is due to bad weather. In the event that you find yourself stranded due to bad weather, there are some steps that you should take. Here are some of them:

·         Call your airline immediately.
Once you have heard the announcement that your flight will be cancelled due to bad weather, do not waste any time and call your airline right away. It is recommended that you talk with their customer service staff so you can ask for assistance in rebooking your flight. The reservation agents can still be able to make some changes on your itinerary if you talk to them right away. In the event that the agents at the gate are accommodating questions and clients, it is recommended that you fall in line while you are talking in the phone so you can communicate with their gate agent as well.

·         Try to look for alternatives.
In the event that the reservation and gate agents are too busy accommodating other passengers, spare them your wrath and choose to take things into your own hands instead. It is recommended that you research about some flight options by yourself. There are plenty of websites and apps that you can use to do this. Instead of looking for direct flights, you can opt to go with more complicated routings. If you are booked on a business flight, try to rebook for a coach flight. There are plenty of alternatives out there. You just have to think outside the box and be flexible about it.

·         Head to the lounge.
In the event that you no longer know what to do, then it would be best that you head to the lounge and talk to their agent. They might give you some useful information about your situation. Oftentimes, these people are more experienced and knowledgeable than the gate and reservation agents.

·         Request for accommodation.
In the event that you are not able to rebook your flight right away, the best thing that you can do is to request a free accommodation from the airline. Make sure that you do this politely.

Cancelled flights are inevitable part of flying. We all know that dealing with cancelled flights is quite  a hassle but the best thing that you can do is to keep in mind the steps mentioned above. This will help you to find a new flight and still reach your destination despite your original flight being cancelled.

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Ways on How You Can Streamline Your Summer Air Travel

If you are a frequent flier, then you will surely hate flying during the summer season. This is because it is the time when the amateur travelers show up and ruin your entire airport and airplane experience. The sad thing is, you cannot be able to change their ways. However, there are some things that you can do to make sure that they won’t get in your way. Here are some of those things:

·         Wait until the rush hour ends.
During the summer season, you must time your flight perfectly. Timing is the key in avoiding the crowds. Avoid booking flights between 7-9 AM because most people are flying during that time. You can book earlier or later depending on your travel schedule.

·         Ditch the baggage.
Many frequent fliers take pride in bringing only one suitcase during their trips and avoiding the check in luggage feature of the airline. However, summer air travel will require you to let go of that pride and just simply take advantage of such offer. After all, you would not want to go through the airport crowd with a heavy baggage in hand, right?

·         Be nice.
No matter how annoying the other passengers can get, you must not let your impatience get the best of you. The long lines at the airport and the annoying passengers are not the fault of the airport gate agents and flight attendants so you must not bring it out on them. Make sure that you are kind all the time and you may even get a favor from them.

·         Study the map of the airport.
If you wish to get in and get out of the airport as fast as possible (this will limit your chance of bumping into and interacting with the amateurs), then you have to get the geography of the airport down pat. In the event that you will be having a layover, it would be wise that you know where the gates, restaurants, coffee shops and bathrooms are. It would also be wise to take a look at some travel blogs so you can determine what places serve the best airport (they are getting better now whether you like it or not).  Knowing the layout of the airport will help lessen your travel anxiety.

There are plenty of challenges to deal with when it comes to air travel. The risk that you will fall a victim to the usual plane problems becomes higher during the summer season when everyone wishes to go and visit different beach destinations. With the tips mentioned above, you can make your summer air travel as efficient as possible!

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Tips To Keep in Mind To Stay Safe During A Business Trip

When you are on a business trip, your focus would be to do your best and perform your job in the best way possible. With all the meetings that you have to attend to, you will surely find it hard to find ways on how you can stay safe during your trip. Well, here are some safety tips that you must not forget:

·         Secure your home.
If your business trip will last for weeks, then one of your goals should be to find ways to keep the home that you will leave behind as safe and secure as possible. One way to do this is to install a home alarm system in your home. In addition to this, it is also best that you place a sign stating that you have an alarm system in your front and back door. In this way, the robbers will think twice before they try to break into your home. It is also recommended that you use a timer to turn on your lights and sprinkler system every night to ward robbers off.

·         Be incognito.
When you arrive at your destination, you will be greeted by a driver with a placard that states your name or the company that you are working for. While this does great wonders in helping you to find the one who will pick you up but it is not a good idea if you want to keep yourself safe. This is because you can be a potential target for people who would want to scam you or get your money. Instead of asking the driver to put up a sign, you just have to simply ask him to locate you by the color of your clothes and your luggage.

·         Avoid using your phone in public.
We know that the business strip can keep you busy and there will be times when you have to fish out your phone in public to talk to someone and the likes. However, you must keep in mind that you are in a foreign land so you must be alert at all times. Never ever use your phone in public as it will make you lose your guard. In addition to that, you will also become an easy prey for robbers and kidnappers.
Being in a business strip can be quite overwhelming and staying safe will surely take the backseat. However, some of the most common business travel tips would recommend that you stay safe during your business trip. To make sure that you will be safe and secured during your business trip, follow the tips mentioned above.

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Lunes, Mayo 9, 2016

How To Avoid Getting Lost in A Foreign Land (Even if You Do Not Know The Language)

We all know that traveling, especially to a country with a different language as yours, will require extensive research and planning. In the event that you have decided to visited a foreign country with a  foreign language the last minute, then you will not have enough time to learn the language. If that is the case, here are some of the things that you can do to avoid getting lost in a foreign land:

·         Know the basics.
If you do not have enough time to extensively learn the foreign vocabulary, then please take a bit of your time to learn at least a few foreign phrases. Keep in mind that there are still some countries or cities that do not understand or speak English. When you know a few phrases, it would be easier for you to communicate with the locals. Some of the basic words that you should know include Hi, Hello, Where is this, Thank You, How much and many more.

·         Download an app.
If you really have no time to learn even the most basic words, then you can translate your English during your trip. You can do that simply by downloading a translating app. There are many apps that you can use for this purpose and you can find all of them in the app store. While you can easily make a search on Google to find the translation, you will not be able to do that in the event that you have no mobile data or if there is no signal in the place that you are in.

·         Get a brochure from the airport.
If you have been traveling for quite some time, you may not pay much attention to the brochures that they offer at the airport. These will actually come handy if you do not know the language as it will help you to know the pronounciations of the destinations that are difficult to pronounce.

·         Bring a picture book.
As they say, a picture is worth a thousand words so it is wise that you use a picture to say the words that you do not know how to say or pronounce. There are some travel picture books that contain pictures of useful things that you may need during your trip.

In the event that you will be traveling to a foreign country the last minute, you will surely have no time to learn the foreign language. If you wish to successfully plan a last minute trip with your family, it is recommended that you break the language barrier just by simply following the tips mentioned above.

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How To Avoid Airline Fees

One of the most convenient way to move from one place to the other is to ride a plane. However, it is also the most expensive way of traveling the world. What makes it more expensive are the fees that most airline charges. If you wish to protect yourself from these fees, follow the tips mentioned below:

·         Check in only one big bag.
If you would be traveling by group, it would be a great idea for you to just check in one big bag instead of several smaller bags. Why? Well, this is because there are plenty of airlines that charge their fliers certain checked bag fee and the only way for you to protect yourself from it would be to check only a single large bag. However, you should still be mindful of the weight of the bag. With a few packing tips and hacks, you can also be protected from overbaggage fees.

·         Be a no-show.
In the event that you can no longer be able to push through with your trip, it would be wiser for you to just be a no-show instead of showing up to cancel your flight. Why? Because of you show up, you will be forced to pay the changing fee. This is most especially true if you have used miles to pay for your trip or if you need to change only one leg of your flight. This may be a bit scary but many people have tried this before.

·         Make the right comparison.
When comparing flight prices, do not just focus on the price of the flight alone. You also have to take a look at what is included in the flight. Some of the things that you should take a look at include free in-flight entertainment, flight meals, baggage and many more.

·         Take advantage of your 14-hour window.
Keep in mind that non-refundable tickets come with a 24-hour cancellation or change window. In the event that you are able to find a deal that is too good to pass up, book it! After all, you are still given a 24-hour window to rebook or cancel your flight. This 24-hour window is only applicable if you booked your ticket only a week before your trip.
We know that an airline travel is quite expensive but the hidden charges and the airline fees can surely add to the expense of a traveler. Many frequent fliers think that there is no way that they can get themselves protected from such fees. Well, they can. You just have to simply do the things mentioned above.  

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Shanghai Food Travel Guide

The biggest and most incredible city in China – Shanghai. This vibrant and fast-paced destination is bursting with attractions such as The Bund, Yu Garden, and Jade Buddha Temple. But the most highly anticipated activity by every tourists is treating their taste buds with authentic Shanghai snack foods and street eats.

Crayfish. Xiao long xia in Chinese which literally means little lobsters. Shanghai locals love eating crayfish particularly during summer where it’s abundant. These mouthwatering crustaceans are farmed in Shanghai’s neighboring provinces. Crayfish are commonly seen in buckets outside restaurants that are truly appetizing to the eyes.

Salt-and-Pepper Water Snake. Not all people are fond of eating exotic foods, especially if it involves a hair raising reptile like snakes. But if you’re up for a challenge, try eating in restaurants specializing water snakes. The water snake are kept alive on display to attract diners. The water snakes were skinned, coated in a thin batter, and deep fried. Then it will be stir-fried with chilies, shallots, salt, and pepper.

Deep Fired Dumplings. It’s uncommon for us to see dumplings being deep fried, but it’s surely worth a try. Wonton dumplings are a staple snack in this region which are traditionally made from wheat dough and a choice of pork and prawn filling. Dumplings are then deep fried until crispy perfection is achieved. It’s best served with a vinegar dip.

Xiao Long Bao (Soup Dumplings). This authentic Chinese dish is well known all over the world. Traditionally, it is made with minced pork, crab filling, and a thin wheat-based skin. It is steamed at perfect temperature enough to melt the gelatin inside the dumpling which transforms into a soup. Xiao long bao was first made in a dim sum shop centuries ago. It takes a skilled cook to create that thin and pinched wrapping while keeping the meat intact inside.

Bull Frog Noodle soup. Chinese delicacies are known to include exotic animals in their platter. Which is why it’s not surprising that a bull frog, an amphibian feared by many, is a common ingredient in their soup. This eye catching title food item in the menu is very popular in Shanghai. Many locals and foreign travelers sand in long line just to taste this savory dish. It’s made from bull frog, wheat noodles, and green pepper. Bull frog meat tastes just like chicken and it’s meant as an appetizer as well as relieving any imbalances in your stomach.

Crab Shell Pastry (XieKe Huang). This dish is highly popular in Shanghai since the 1920s when the working class would buy this pastry and eat it on their way to and from work. There are two different versions of this pastry – sweet and savory. Sweeter version uses sugar, red bean paste, and rose for filling. On the other hand, savory consists of crab, prawn, and minced pork.

Lamb Kebabs. This distinctly savory dish are made from the finest cuts of fatty lamb and smothered with a spicy mixture of chili powder, cumin, salt, and pepper. The recipe originated from Xinjiang province located in the far west China. The Uighur people living in Shanghai brought their love of lamb. Later on, lamb kebab became a popular snack for Shanghai people.

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Nepal Travel Guide 2016

Nepal is known as the highest country on earth and also referred as the “roof of the world”. The Himalayan nation is a haven for tourists who loves to climb, hike, or just simply admire the world’s tallest peak. Aside from the star attraction Mount Everest, Nepal is an important pilgrimage site for millions of Buddhists for it is the birthplace of Gautama Buddha. But before you head to Nepal, here are some safe travel tips you should keep in mind.
1.     Never attempt to trek alone no matter how experienced you are. Hire a travel guide and trek with a group of people. Take into consideration that there are numerous reports of disappearances of solo trekkers and even in group of travelers in the past years.2.     As a general rule when travelling, avoid drinking from unsafe sources of water particularly for travelers with a sensitive stomach. It’s also not a good time to feast on fresh vegetable salads and pre-cut food during your trip.3.     Though beggars on the streets may look pitiful, don’t be tempted in giving them money. The generous and innocent gesture will only encourage them to beg for more.4.     Collecting Nepalese currencies might be a good idea but taking it outside the country is against the law. Make sure to exchange back all the Nepalese currencies you have before you leave the country since they are not accepted elsewhere.
5.     Touching someone’s head or sitting down and showing the sole of your feet towards them is considered rude in Nepalese culture
6.     Marijuana is commonly seen on the hillsides of NepalT, but don’t assume it’s legal. Picking it, carrying it, and even smoking it is punishable by the law.7.     A “yes” or a nod is not a reliable affirmation of an agreement in Nepali. It’s important to re-confirm an itinerary or discussion using simplest choices of words.
8.     Dance bars like PKR and KTM are tourist traps, so stay away from those places as much as possible. Alcohol and food are being sold on much inflated prices if the locals recognize you’re a tourist. These places also have a bad reputation of violence and intimidation. If you want to have fun, just buy beer and stay at the accommodation with your friends.
9.     Always bring a passport sized photo in case you’re planning to apply for the Visa at the airport itself. Though there are photo booths at the airport, it’s a certain that the cost is doubled.
10.   Sadly, Nepal is not a place of luxury as evidenced by daily scheduled power outages. Invest on a flashlight and power bank to help you survive a day without electricity.
11.   In other places, happy hour don’t start at 10pm. While in Nepal, night life ends at 10pm. Although there are some places around the Thamel area that stay open few hours more.
12.   For travelers who’s planning to bring lots of electronics, be reminded that Nepal uses 220V. It’s important to bring a universal plug and voltage adapter kit.

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Maldives on a Shoestring

Maldives is such a fascinating tropical destination for travelers. Where else in the world can you find a shore that sparkles at night, small wooden houses on top of the sea, and unexploited beaches? Though airfare can be quite expensive just to reach this country, it’s going to be worth your every penny.

After finding a cheap airline bound to Maldives, the next thing you have to settle on is finding a cheap accommodation. Unfortunately, there aren’t any dorm rooms or night bungalow beaches like in Southeast Asia. But there are plenty of affordable guesthouses that are suitable for people travelling in large groups. For $30-60 per night, you are eligible of a clean, spacious, and air conditioned rooms complete with hot shower, snorkeling gear, free daily breakfast with a bottled water, and even fast WiFi.

Water Breeze Guesthouse for only $61.71 per night is a highly recommended guesthouse. Enormous breakfast, lovely owner, and a fancy room were the highlights at this accommodation found in Maafushi. At Fulidhoo, there were only two choices of guesthouses on the Island and one of which is the Thundi Guesthouse. For $53.59 per night, the rooms are fully air conditioned, hot water in the shower is functioning well, and of course, the WiFi was dependable.

A trip at Maldives is incomplete without trying a couple of day trip activities which are offered through your chosen guesthouse. But if you’re not satisfied with their offer, you can shop around and wander into four or five guesthouses for comparison of prices before you make a decision. Look for excursions that include lunch, water, and a soda.

If you are interested in diving on the deep ocean of Maldives on a budget, you can arrange it with your guest house or sign up at a dive shop on a local island. You can experience two dives for around $100. The cheapest option for diving in Maldives is doing a liveaboard trip. There were also snorkeling trips and get the opportunity to see some manta ray or whale shark. The cost is $50 per person for a half-day snorkeling trip. It may sound pricey but the chance to see the visibility of thousands of adorable sea turtles and fishes is a priceless experience.

Guesthouses also offer fishing trips for $50 per head and day trips to exclusive world famous resorts for the same price (excluding the entrance fee with is around $30 per person). There are also trips to sand banks and island hopping which costs $25 and $50 respectively.

Since majority of guesthouses offer free breakfast, the only thing you have to worry about are lunch, dinner, and some snacks in between. Being surrounded by the ocean, fish and seafood are the popular main dish in the island. You can also order meat like beef or lamb but it’s relatively costlier. Dining in Maldives is really not that expensive. For an average of $20 per day, you can feast yourself with fresh seafood cuisines.

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