Huwebes, Setyembre 21, 2017

Top signs you are a backpacker

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Being backpacker isn’t about packing a lot of stuffs and brings to some other place. Backpacker refers to those persons who unfortunately don’t have permanent address, because they love to travel in different places. It isn’t a bad thing, because some people used this to stay away from stress and be refreshing in life. Being backpacker is a privilege, because you all have the time, money and opportunity to enjoy and experience new things. Are you wondering if you are a backpacker or not? Here are the things that will answer your questions:

·         You don’t know what to write down when asked for your permanent address. This is because you are traveling to different places from time to time and you don’t permanently stay in a particular place.
·         You don’t know what to write down for occupation on the customs forms. Backpacking and Traveling is your occupation and profession. Your mission is to enjoy the world.

·         Pasta has been your main meal for months. Sometimes you mix it up by putting chicken in it. This is the basic of all countries around the world.

·         You wear the same shirt for a week. Because you are a backpacker, you don’t really have leisure of time to bring a lot of clothes and at the same time your budget is for traveling purposes.
·         You wear the same jeans for two weeks. Backpackers don’t really need to have different jean every time, what matters is what they enjoy.

·         You do your laundry in sinks. To save up some money, there are a lot of sinks around the world and use it as your washing machine.
·         Everything you own fits into one pack. Being a backpacker doesn’t really need to bring a lot of stuffs, because they usually walks in different places.

·         You make new friends everywhere — bus stops, ferries, train stations, airports.
·         You think nothing of sharing a room with the stranger you just met at one of those places.
·         Hot water is a luxury.

·         So is air conditioning.
·         You will sleep anywhere, as long as it is cheap. Being a backpacker requires you not be too choosy in your sleeping area. Backpackers sleep wherever they decided to stop traveling.
·         You have a warped sense of cost. Three dollars for a room? Great deal! Three dollars for a meal? Outrageous. Being wise while traveling will prolong your trip.

·         When you go back home, you find it weird that you can’t haggle over prices.
·         You can’t sleep without earplugs anymore, even if no one is snoring.
·         You haven’t slept in a room by yourself since you left home.
·         When asked what day it is, you can’t remember. Because you are focus on the sceneries and activities.

·         You ask people where they’re from before you ask them what their name is, and you remember them according to where they came from. This is the usual conversation of many backpackers, because they are looking for companions.

·         No matter where you go, the beer is never cheap enough.
·         You can say “cheers” in more languages than you’d like to admit.
·         You have learned to say beer in 10 languages. Beer is one of your most favorite drinks.
·         Your budget revolves around how much alcohol you can buy in one night.
·         You have permanent flip-flop tan lines on your feet. Travelers walk a lot with their flip-flop, because this is the most comfortable way to travel.
·         You find it odd to be surrounded by people who have the same accent as you.
·         You fill your pockets with many bread rolls and jam packets from the free breakfast as you can so you can eat lunch today.
·         You are pleasantly surprised when you find toilet paper in the bathroom.
·         You believe that a good shower constitutes running water.
·         You haven’t showered without flip-flops in months.
·         You plan your travel around getting free accommodation on a train, plane, or bus.
·         You spend your nights in airports to save money.
·         You know the nationality of everyone just by looking at their bags.
·         You see a television as a luxury and a waste of time.
·         You still think the three shirts you have been wearing for the past 6 months are fashionable.
·         You have fisherman’s pants.
·         You know what the words “visa run” entails, and how painful one can be.
·         You plan all your future trips around free accommodation from all the promises people made to you at hostels.

If you some of these traits, then I must say you are a backpacker. These traits and attitudes represent all the traits and attitude you will learn and have during you travel. Backpacker is a very exciting activity to do, because in every place that you decided to visit has something to learn and something great that can offer to you.

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