Miyerkules, Agosto 24, 2016

How to Travel Cheap?

Travel for many people is a form of luxury, an expensive gift to self (or family/friends) that only the well to do can afford. If you are a middle income earner with bills to pay and loans/mortgage to fulfill, will you ever experience one of life’s greatest adventure which is travel the world?
The answer is YES! Travel can be cheap if you know what to look for and how to plan it. A good dose of open-mindedness and some research will do the trick. I’m here to share with you the top priorities you have to consider to achieve an affordable travel vacation that is just as fun and enriching as the expensive ones:

1. Destination. This is the first stage of the travel planning. Knowing where you can go outside of the country or even local is the key to a wellspring of savings in travel. There are a lot of tourist spots that are under promoted yet extremely exciting to visit. Take a good research of these attractions. Join travel forums or simply ask you friend or neighbor regarding their latest escapade, also read blogs. International tourist spots need not be costly too, there are countries listed online as cheap travel destination, where accommodation is economical, where food and local products will not cause you to break the bank. There are also places that sits so near  another tourist spot, choose these ones so that you will not only travel one city or one country in one trip but a couple or two since they are so close together you can cross borders in just a train ride. Often these countries are even richer in culture, arts and goods than the popular casino arenas, amusement /theme parks or shopping capitals that you often hear about.

2. The Flight /The Ride. The means of transportation is essential in our travel budget. Gas and fare can make your funds go low. Flight ticket can cost you to postpone, delay and even deny yourself of this pleasure. So what are our options to travel cheap in this area? If you are traveling by car, make sure that you maximize your space. Plan a group travel, that way you can split the gas allowance to many pockets plus the extra fun of traveling with your buds. You can also hitchhike or carpool with people who are going the same way you are and just stop to the farthest point they can bring you to your trip that happens coincides with their way, commute the rest of the travel. If you are traveling by plane, be watchful of airline promos. They offer this many times a year, within a limited time frame to book (like an hour for limited slots or so) and be surprised to only pay the tax and get your flight ticket free! There are also miles points available on certain credit cards. Ask your banker now what they can offer you. These steps need patience and require planning ahead.

3. Accommodations.  People normally go for a nice hotel accommodation, spending a fortune for s space that you will only use at nights.  They may have a nice pool, or a gym, or a bar and resto in it; but hey those are not the reasons why you travelled! If that is so, you might as well stay in your house, visit a resort and drink in the neighborhood bar. You travel for the place of destination, its city, its market, its arts and culture, its authentic cuisine, its magnificent structures and spots. Not to cocoon on your hotel room. So be wise, take the bread and breakfast on the street, make reservations with rental rooms or apartment in the village. I tell you, locals know more and can enrich your travel more than the cheery face room service and receptionist in the hotel.

4. Shopping and Mementos. A chunk of our budget goes to these. Well, women (and some men) travel to do a shopping spree. But not all of us can afford that. So let us set aside only a certain amount to this, one that is not too stiff but not too liberal as well. Let us also be mindful of our travel baggage, over baggage fee and shipping fee can bankrupt you on a trip. Pick pieces that are authentic to the place, manageable to pack and fair in price. One very good tip is bring a camera and capture the place with your lenses, this can be the most memento you can bring home from you trip.

These are just the basic tips you can prepare for in planning your travel. If you follow these, you will be amazed of the places you will go with your limited budget. Do not be constraint and deprive yourself of this life’s adventure by you limited budget. Remember, travel need not be extravagant to be fun, or fancy to be memorable.

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